By Brooke Holley
Fall semester is coming to its end with
only a little over a month left of classes. Finals are approaching sooner than
any of us think. Some of us are behind on our assignments (I know I am). So,
this can be an especially stressful time of the semester. Unfortunately, it’s
just going to get worse as finals slowly creep up behind us.
I’ve found that making and articulating
goals that you want to accomplish each semester can especially useful when it
comes to education. Of course, I didn’t make many goals this semester. In fact,
I can only think of one that I actually articulated to anyone. Even if you
didn’t make any goals, I think that this is the perfect time to look back on
the semester and see if you lived up to your expectations. Did you have
anything that you expected to complete or attain during fall semester of 2015?
I only wanted to get a higher GPA.
Obviously, there’s no way for me to tell if I’ve actually improved my GPA until
final grades come out. However, I think this is a good time in the semester to
double check and make sure that I’m on the right track. I can still make some
changes to reach said goal. So can any other student in this school.
If this is something you’re interested
in doing, I believe the wise thing would be to ask yourself a couple of
questions. What exactly were you expecting to accomplish? Have you done so? If
so, can you do even better? If not, are you close? What can you do to reach
said goal? Think about it. Maybe you could come up with some goals for next
semester while you’re at it.