Monday, November 18, 2019


ReAnna Pierce



“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Everything; an amazing childhood, two incredible sisters, an awesome father, and for being my mom through it all.”

Growing up I remember always wanting to run away from home, move to California with my biological father and go to Disney land every weekend. I would delude myself that I would be without rules, attend a cooler school, be able to stay over at friend’s houses, not have to be under lock down constantly, and be an only child. 

I really scold myself now for believing that, and I appreciate being set straight finally as a young teen. The summer that I turned sixteen my mother gave up trying to ‘protect me’; I really feel awful for putting her in that position. Plunging her into depression, subjecting my sisters to her being angry at me, but taking it out on them. I hurt my family. I am grateful to have all of them in my life still today. I squandered my time with them; by always daydreaming about wanting to be with my father, feeling like it was such torture to have two annoying siblings, and being the most ungrateful brat about the amazing lifestyle that my mother and father provided us. 

As an adult, I am now a mother, a stepparent to three children, and each day I can see more errors that I made as an adolescent. I now have the utmost of respect for my sisters, my father, and my mother. Even after all the years of my antics they still love me unconditionally and rarely to they bring up my past. I appreciate them for that, but I do a lot of my own self reflecting. I know that I was in the wrong for so many years and I now do my best to appreciate the time I have with my family; after so many years of taking time for granted I refuse to be that selfish again. 

Life has been an incredible journey thus far, and it would be for nothing if it were not for my family. Each year our numbers fluctuate but the bond gets stronger, with every life we experience death. But this year I truly do not want to wallow in the pain of loss; lost time, loss of family members, friends, jobs, pets. This year I want to embrace what I have and be grateful, because there have been plenty of times that my family could have said ‘NO MORE’ and walked away. 

Although, my life would be meaningless if it weren’t for this one human; my son, Nickolas. His sparkling blue eyes, full of curiosity and mischief. His smile is probably the most contagious; I am pretty sure that if I were to take him to a peace meeting with the world leaders all he would have to do is smile and give everyone a hug and all everyone would melt. I am very honored to have him in my life.

I want to use this outlet to say that I am grateful for my opportunities, my family, precious time, second chances, last breaths, hugs and kisses, all these wonderful things are what make life worth living. I hope if you’re reading this you find even the littlest things to be grateful for. 

Happy Holidays,


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